Filcom had yet another meaningful and interactive meeting (313th) led by the Toastmaster of the Evening, Joseph. With the theme, Road Trip To A Happy Life, the TMOE came prepared with a powerpoint presentation that showed the roadmap and cleverly related the 3 parts of the meeting to his 3 stops: Mind, Body & Soul. His Tour Guides were Grammarian Jessie, Timer Arun Paul & Ah Counter Philip.
Coming to the first stop, Mind,
Joseph presented a house that has 3 rooms that must be unlocked to be happy:
Who are You? What are your guiding principles in life? What are your holistic
daily things to do? And what was amazing was Joseph, after every prepared
speech, would reinforce the 3 rooms based on the speech topics that were as if
formulated based on the theme. The first speaker, Anil, did his Ice Breaker
Speech entitled Adaptability which is a guiding principle and the 2 advance
speakers, Nadim and Kit, talked about Life Purpose and Mind Mapping respectively.
Kit was awarded as the Best Speaker.
The second stop, Body, was the
most fun part because here Joseph presented Transcendental Yoga, Eating
Mindfully and Exercise for Feeling. Joseph even asked everybody to sit on the
floor to try the transcendental yoga which was well-received and complimented
to be effective in “mind/body cleansing”. The effect of it was evident when the
Table Topics led by Farooq was, without a doubt, aced by the volunteers. Philip
got the award for Table Topics after he wowed everybody with his on-point quip
to the question, “What is happiness?”, where he even incorporated other
volunteers’ answers to support his idea on contentment. Now only pros do that!
The 3rd and final stop
was Soul. Joseph explained why people die even if they are still physically
alive when you don’t manifest what your soul wants to do. And how would you
manifest your soul? Joseph shared 3 ways: travelling, doing your passion and
love. And the General Evaluator, Dennis, seemed to agree! In his evaluation of the
overall flow of the meeting, he zeroed on in living our passion as public
speakers by capitalizing on the feedback/evaluations. And the Best Evaluator, Noor,
certainly did that!
In conclusion, Joseph highlighted that happiness is a way of
travel, not destination! Sweet!