Saturday, December 15, 2018

345th Meeting: Celebrate

It's the most joyous season of the year, and Filcom opted for the merry way to memorialize 2018 - decorating Tafawoq Hall with all things joyful for its 345th meeting and yearend celebration! Surrounded by holiday ornaments, lanterns, and balloons, SAA Hisham set everyone to festive mood before giving the floor to Leo who officially opened the meeting and led the group in singing Qatar's National Anthem in celebration of Qatar National Day. TMOD Diana then introduced the meeting theme, "Celebrate!" with matching confetti poppers! ðŸŽ‰

At Filcom, we celebrate not just events, but also the many inspiring stories each member shares. Five spectacular speakers celebrated and shared their experiences through prepared speeches. Azhar for his ice breaker speech "Hero Behind Me", delivered a very touching piece giving honor to his father. Satish, with his ice breaker speech "Vantage Point" introduced himself to the club through anecdotes from his childhood and his adventures leading to his life as an IT professional. Lotfy on the other hand, once again led everyone to reconnecting with our roots to start our forgiveness journey, in his speech "Heal The Path". Tag, meanwhile shared her tips on tapping into our real happiness through her speech "Happy New You." Leo, used his technical expertise by using visual aids and the Internet in his speech "Getting into the Technicalities of Pathways".

No matter how organized our plans are, surprises are constant in life. Even in predicaments that may not cause us to be ecstatic, there are always reasons to celebrate life for if we can see the beauty behind these uncertainties. TTM Ginalyn who introduced an interesting twist to the segment grouped the table topics volunteers into two teams, each with three members. Mehdi, Guest Ayman, Dennis, Dr. Farooq, Tag, and Rashed were the ones who braved the exciting uncertainties of the segment.

Our life experiences, no matter what package they come in, successes or failures, joys or pains, positive or negative, are simply opportunities for growth. In Toastmasters, we value growth, and we celebrate it in the Evaluation segment. Obaid led the third part of the meeting and called on Evaluators CJ, Jessie, Shyam, Fouad, and Nadim who gave their salient feedbacks on their respective speech assignments. Rashed as Grammarian, Manij as Ah Counter, and Tenny as Timer, rendered their corresponding reports before Obaid delivered his General Evaluation.

The Business Section was made special by our guests from The Voice of Nepal who performed a soulful song rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine". DTM Dr. Farooq also delighted everyone, announcing the great news worthy of celebration - Filcom achieving the President Distinguished Club status.

Truly, it was a night of celebrating every thing life has offered us in 2018. Filcomites' grateful hearts made it possible to find beauty in every circumstance.

"We don't need to wait for a special event to rejoice. Every day, find something you are grateful for, and celebrate. Celebrate the glories and triumphs, the challenges and struggles, and everything that life is teaching us. Most importantly, and this we often forget. Celebrate YOU." ðŸ¤—🎈🎉
-       Diana Tangente, TMOD
345th Meeting, Celebrate

Best Speaker: Lotfy and Tag
Best Table Topic Speaker: DTM Dr. Farooq, Tag, and Rashed
Best Evaluator: Shyam
Best Segment Host: Diana

Saturday, December 8, 2018

344th Meeting: “Inside A Speaker's Mind: Tools for Effective Communication”

Filcom International TMC 344th Meeting
Qatar Toastmasters TMC 483rd Meeting
Joint Meeting Summary
“Inside A Speaker's Mind: Tools for Effective Communication”
08 Dec 2018

All attention were focused on the lady onstage, Ginalyn, the stand-in Sergeant-at-Arms as she welcomed everyone diffusing an energetic vibe and called the meeting to order by 7pm, right on the dot. She then briefly narrated her fair share of shyness which later on she overcame little by little as she joined Toastmasters. Meeting and security protocols and standards were made known then she introduced the dynamic Club Presidents Leo Ortega (Filcom) and Azees Mohammed (Qatar TMC) who then officially declared the meeting open and addressed the members and guests present.

“Inside A Speaker's Mind: Tools for Effective Communication” is but a timely theme as contest season kicked-off where Toastmaster of the Day Joseph articulately shared and expounded it with a story of a thirsty crow and how did it manage to drink water from a deep bucket by placing pebbles until the water rose to the point it can reach. This gave in a life lesson: “that regardless of our profession, we need the right tools to do our job or achieve our goals.” As speakers, we use strategies to convey a message and what better way to do this than to unravel what’s inside a speaker’s mind – the tools for effective communication. Throughout the session, he unlocked some of these tools. Afterwhich he introduced the role players which were fulfilled by Shiban as Grammarian, Ganesh as Ah Counter and Tenny as Timer.

Prior to the prepared speeches session, Joseph shared Tool No. 1: Fear Buster. He explained further that we can’t get away from fear but we can manage it by viewing a speech as a conversation than a performance, being in the present, and being honest of who we are. In the session proper, four prepared speeches from Pathways were delivered. With his speech entitled “How Are You”, Anas highlighted the most common question we ask yet we do not really pay attention to which he realized when his son answered him truthfully which most of us adults would just shy away with the expected standard phrases: “I’m good”, “All is well”, “Fine”. Speaker No. 2 was Afajal, who researched on the “educational system” which would be the best option for everyone. The highlight includes having less stress and more time for personal development which was suggested through a scrutiny of the Finnish educational system. Another research topic on “Sugar vs Cigarette” was presented by Nevine who did not only rely on secondary research materials but also conducted an actual survey on which is more harmful: smoking cigarettes or consuming more chocolates (sugar). Finally, the session was capped with Diana’s “Be That Mentor” with her sharing her experiences being mentored at work by her colleague - Heidi and in toastmasters by his assigned mentor – Josh. She highlighted the benefits of mentoring and how she would love to share the same dedication to other people regardless of a free coffee.

Tool No. 2 is Structure which is very apt in impromptu speaking. Structure formats like Point Reason Example Point, Cause and Effect, and the Story-Message-Gain were some of the techniques shared which increase fluency by 40% and helps message retention among the audience. Topicsmaster Hafeez took the lead on the session starting with having the audience aware of the rules of the game. Several questions related to the theme were courageously hurdled and given justice by four bravehearts. Sahar expounded on the use of effective communication for personal and professional growth; Obaid challenged the question on what are the challenges to effective communication; Dr. Farooq not only spoke on the importance of communication at the workplace but also in different facets like family and relationships among others; Saad shared his definition of FEAR (false expectation appearing real) which is one major setback to communication.

Halftime break ensued for ten minutes afterwhich the Evaluation Session romped up as another tool was unleashed: speaking to give a gift that is useful and helpful to the recipient. The ever enthusiastic and always ready Division D Director, Rajesh VC, DTM spearheaded the session. During this time, DTM Rajesh introduced the audience to the benefits of giving a responsible feedback to each and every speaker which is the soul of toastmasters. Instant feedbacks which in turn motivates the person to go further. The speech evaluating team who looked into the knitty-gritty of all the prepared speeches and table topics was composed of five dashing evaluators: Lotfy, Shareef, Rashed, Tamer and Leo. They all highlighted the strengths of the speakers and opened their minds into some things to ponder in their next speeches whether a 5-7 minutes prepared speech or a 1-2 minutes impromptu. Towards the end of the session, the technical evaluating team (Grammarian Shiban, Ah Counter Ganesh, Timer Teny) delivered their reports on the good usage and some mistakes we commit in grammar, the crutch words and unnecessary filler sounds which we are mostly unaware of and how we managed the time wisely with respect to standard allotments which are all connotations of effective and good listening prowess.

During the Business Session, Presidents from both clubs extended their gratitude to each and everyone of the members and guests for making the joint meeting a success. In the end, awards for the best of the bests were given to the following:
Best Speakers – Diana May Tangente and Anas Zyoud

Best Evaluator – Rashed Al Nasa’a
Best Table Topics Speaker – Saad Ghosn
Best Segment Host – Joseph Amande

The joint meeting opened new doors to explore in the realm of public speaking and we unraveled some tools which we might already have but are not be aware of. At the end of the day, “we shape tools and afterwards, the tools shape us.” ðŸ˜ŠðŸ—£

Saturday, November 24, 2018

343rd Meetting: And The Winner Is..

Setting the aura in a high and winning spirit, SAA Diana called the meeting to order at exactly 7:00pm. She then set the floor and introduced the always-ready-to-serve President Leo who warmly welcomed the guests and opened the meeting. TMOD Jessie then presented the meeting theme “And the winner is...”, and introduced the role players.

Four unwavering toastmasters delivered their prepared speeches. With an ice breaker speech entitled “Beginning of an Unlikely Journey”, Abigail proved that in spite of her shyness she has something to offer. Another ice breaker speech conveyed by Manij, “Bizarre and My curiosity” talked about his interesting passions such as studying astrology. The third speaker Lotfy, with his inspiring speech “Heal the Path” put us in serenity and mindfulness. Further, Leo delivered a very informative technical presentation speech project four (Presenting a Technical Paper) that showed us about the diving spots in the Philippines entitled “The SISID Project”

Fouad led the table topics session starting off with questions that tested our courageous 4 toastmasters who accepted the challenge namely Lotfy, Brimesh, Afajal and Josh who proved that sharing insights is not that scary, but actually quite fun.
After the meeting we had an interesting game led by our toastmaster of the day Jessie to check how strong toastmasters’ teamwork is; how they effectively communicate and understand each other without saying a word. After all non-verbal language is also a powerful way conveying a message.

Here comes the heart of a toastmaster’s journey, the feedback time where 5 of our distinguished evaluators: Afajal, Rechell, Rashed, Dennis and Arjay had given their constructive evaluations on their respective speakers led by the general evaluator Philip.

Role players Ginalyn (Timer), Joseph (Grammarian), Tenny (Ah Counter), delivered their reports towards the end of the session while Philip had his share of the overall evaluation of the meeting.
And the winners are:
Best Speaker: Lotfy
Best Table Topic Speaker: Josh
Best Evaluator: Rashed
Best Segment Hosts: Jessie & Philip

“All of us are winners, however, winning isn’t about the reward. It is about the journey we go through to get to where we want to be. The stumbling blocks that we faced no matter what the results are, to keep fighting is what matters; that alone made us winners.”

Saturday, November 10, 2018

342nd Meeting: Sharing Is Caring

Share your life with others. You will have a joyful life.
- Lailah Gifty Akita

Filcom's 342nd meeting was indeed a night full of sharing - of wisdom, experiences, and fun. Sgt-At-Arms Elamar gathered everyone and handed over the floor to President Leo who officially opened the meeting and welcomed the guests. Dennis who served as the Toastmaster of the Day shared some anecdotes and presented the meeting's theme, before he introduced the role players: Jessie as Grammarian, Azhar as Ah-Counter, and Abigail as Timer.

Three story-sharers adorned the meeting with their prepared speeches. Rechelle on her second rendition of her speech "Dead Air" did not fail to move the audience with her heartwarming speech. Diana, fulfilling her second project for Level 2 with her speech "The Happiness Advantage", gave a refreshing take on the relationship of happiness and success. CJ, soared high like an eagle on his speech entitled "Fly High, Land Low", capping off his Level 2 in Pathways.

Table Topics Master Lotfy brought with him some colored index cards and asked questions with reference to the psychology of colors. The challenge-takers who shared their wisdom on different subjects were Arjay, Diana, and Tag.

The heart of every Toastmaster meeting - the evaluation segment, was led by Philip. Evaluators Joseph, Nadim, and Fouad shared their feedback and recommendations on the respective speeches assigned to them. Shyam also gave his valuable thoughts on the Table Topics session and speeches, before Philip delivered his General Evaluation.

With 4 new members inducted, Lotfy, Azhar, Manij and Abigail, there is certainly more to share and be shared in Filcom. The meeting ended well with everyone sharing a part or two of themselves in any way possible, time, talent, and piece of their lives.

"Why are you in Toastmasters? Perhaps you don't know this, but you are here TO SHARE." ðŸ’•
-       TM Dennis Mujana
TMOD, Sharing is Caring


Saturday, October 27, 2018

341st Meeting: Acres of Diamond

Sharing a special book from his mother, TMOD CJ led the attendees of Filcom's 341st meeting, in a journey towards finding one's treasures. Ganesh, our ever reliable Sergeant-At-Arms set the meeting spirit before handing over the floor to Joseph who welcomed the guests and officially opened the meeting. CJ then presented the meeting theme - Acres of Diamonds (a story of a farmer named Al Hafed), and introduced the role players who will help us in digging the Toastmaster's Gems.


Four thrilling Toastmasters unearthed the first toastmaster gem through their prepared speeches. Ginalyn, fascinated everyone as she shared her aspirations in her ice breaker speech entitled "I've Taken Action". Delivering his second speech is Lotfy who captivated the audience with his engaging thoughts on "Lifetime in a Hearbeat". Meanwhile, Diana for her Level 2 project spoke about leadership and shared her leadership style in her speech "Your President". Jessie on the other hand, gave us a taste of her life as a nurse in her informative and amusing delivery of "Staying Alive".


Uncovering the second toastmaster gem commenced with an educational session given by Rashed, our Table Topics specialist. Shyam headed the table topics session, asking the participants to pick one item in a treasure chest, each has a corresponding question. Nadim picked a bottle of water, Arjay got a watch, Lotfy preferred a candle, and Diana chose a book. Utilizing the techniques and tips from Rashed's talk, these four speakers practiced their thinking prowess and put their personal style in answering Shyam's questions.


Joseph served as the General Evaluator and initiated the discovery of the third toastmaster gem - listening. Everyone used this brilliant, paying attention to the indispensable feedback of Dennis, Nadim, Fouad, and Arjay, to their respective prepared speeches, and Rashed on Table Topics. , Philip as Ah-Counter, Afajal as Grammarian, and Manij as Timer, delivered their role player's report, before Joseph gave his general evaluation of the meeting.

In the book, the farmer Al Hafed left his home and family, in search for diamonds, with the belief that it will make him rich and happy. Sadly, his journey only made him discontent and unhappy, and he died not knowing that the acres of diamonds are right in his own backyard.


"Diamonds in their raw uncut form look nothing than what they look in the shops and that’s the point. Look around you. Look at your relationships, look at your job, look at where you live, and ask yourself. Have I seen all there is to see?" - CJ Rojas

Saturday, October 13, 2018

340th Meeting: The Power of Feedback

Filcom's 340th meeting, a speakathon, highlighted the power of feedback - the heart of Toastmasters. Vidal served as Sergeant-At-Arms, followed by President Leo who opened the meeting and welcomed the guests. Joseph then introduced the meeting theme, as the TMOD.

"Feedback is a gift that we can give and receive. When given effectively, it can transform someone's life. When received with an open mind, it can change how the world views us and can help us get to learning faster."


Six valiant Filcomites took up the challenge to deliver their respective Pathways projects and partake of the power of effective feedback. Lotfy with a speech entitled "Meant to Survive" and Tenny with his speech "Life Doesn't Get Better By Chance, It Gets Better By Change" inspired the audience with their ice breaker speeches. Rechelle, for her second project in the Dynamic Leadership Path, delivered a sentimental piece entitled "Dead Air".

Leo, for his second project in the Strategic Relationships path, had a nostalgic rendition of his "When You Say Nothing At All" speech. Meanwhile, Anahi for her Leadership Development 3 project, presented a realistic take on "Marriage In Times Of Social Media". Fulfilling his Innovative Planning 6 project with the speech "And The Sure Winner Is", CJ introduced a new and fascinating idea raising awareness on deaf-mutism.


General Evaluator Jessie led the evaluation session. Dennis, Diana, Obaid, Fouad, Shyam, and Nadim, rendered their evaluation on their corresponding prepared speeches. Arjay as Grammarian, Vidal (on behalf of Sahar) as Ah-Counter, and Elmar as Timer, delivered their role players' report. Jessie then conducted her overall evaluation of the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, recogniton were awarded to the following:

Evaluation 1st place: Shyam
Evaluation 2nd place: Diana
Evaluation 3rd palce: Obaid

Prepared Speech 1st place: Rechell
Prepared Speech 2nd place: Anahi
Prepared Speech 3rd place: Leo

With new knowledge on giving and receiving effective, responsible feedback, and inspired by remarkable speeches, each Filcomite is a winner for every meeting.

Feedback is a GIFT.
Give it.
Receive it.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

339th Meeting: Super Power

What comes to your mind when you hear of super power? Superheroes, invisibility, time travel, super speed and super strength - and many more! For Filcom's 339th meeting, Crowne Plaza’s Tafawoq Hall transformed into a superhero headquarters. Filcom Command Center – where super speakers and super leaders are formed and trained. Sergeant-At-Arms Rechell gathered everyone and shared that she looks forward to Toastmasters’ Saturdays. President Leo also built the excitement by officially opening the meeting, and welcomed the guests. Diana, who served as the TMOD presented the meeting theme "Super Power" before introducing the role players.

The 'command center' transfigured into a time machine, unlocking everyone's power to travel to the past and have a peek into lives of three valiant Filcom heroes through their prepared speeches. Sahar exposed her power of courage as she delivered her Ice Breaker speech entitled "Never Give Up". Nadim, on his speech "The Little Mermaid" activated the audience's power to believe in themselves. Leo on the other hand, conveyed the power of knowledge in his informative speech "The Science of WHERE".

Taking charge of the second part of the meeting was Dale who conducted the Table Topics in a fun and lively "Children's Party" way. Obaid, Guest Charbel, Sahar, and Dr. Farooq, chose their party hats with corresponding questions, and delivered their perspectives on such.

VP Education Joseph, gave a substantial and powerful Educational Session as the second part of his series, Stand Tall for Passion: How to Deliver a Compelling Speech.

Leading the third part of the meeting was DTM Dr. Farooq who served as the General Evaluator. Dennis, Jessie, and Rashed acted as the speech evaluators of the prepared speeches, and Dennis on Table Topics. CJ as Timer, Elmar as Grammarian, and Afajal as Ah-Counter, gave their corresponding reports, before DTM Dr. Farooq delivered his GE report.

Best Table Topics: Obaid
Best Evaluator: Rashed
Best Segment Host: Diana
Best Prepared Speech: Nadim

Truly an empowering night as everyone embraced their inner superhero, rediscovering the TRUE SUPERPOWERS that are already in them, such as the power of choice, the power of originality, the power of purpose, creativity, beauty and healing. But the greatest superpower of all?

The power of LOVE.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

338th Meeting: Time In Our Lives

The days are long but the years are short." This is one meaningful quote by Gretchen Rubin. And so, for Filcom's 338th meeting, we took it slow to cherish every passing moment in this time in our lives.

Dennis acted as the Sergeant-At-Arms, and Leo welcomed Filcomites and guests, before handing over the TMOD moment to Anahi.


The prepared speeches segment led us back to a significant time in the lives of our speakers. Elmar, delivered his Ice Breaker speech entitled "Behind The Wheels", and moved everyone with his determination. CJ, for his 5th project on Innovative Planning Path entitled "Google, the Apple, in South Africa", took us to a season in his life where he asked his "why".


The Table Topics session was conducted by Jessie, who brought with her a book of questions! Dennis, Joseph, Sahar, Diana, and Leo experienced the feel of being in the moment by answering interesting, thought-provoking questions and scenarios.


For an even better speech performance and effective meeting in the future, the third segment is quite important. Afajal served as Elmar's evaluator, and DTM Kit for CJ. Rashed evaluated the table Topics, and the role players, Fouad as Grammarian, Ganesh as Timer, and Shyam as Ah-Ciounter rendered their corresponding reports. General Evaluator Rechelle then delivered her evaluation for the whole meeting.

Truly a momentous occasion as we bid farewell and showed our gratitude to DTM Kit, and also welcoming Sahar and Tenny as the newest addition to our Filcom Family.

Best Table Topics: Josh and Diana
Best Evaluator: DTM Kit
Best Prepared Speech: CJ
Best Segment Host: Anahi

Indeed, that as time passes, we forget how many memories we are packing with us. We at Filcom, took our time to pause, be in the moment, be grateful, and enjoy the time in our lives.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

337th Meeting: Make It Happen

A toastmaster’s journey is made more worthwhile when growing along fellow toastmasters. As such, Filcom, for its 337th meeting, partnered with IIEE-SQC. Together, we made it happen!

TM Carlos Bautista set the meeting in motion as the Sgt-At-Arms. TM Leo Ortega (Filcom) and TM Roderick Pajes (IIEE-SQC), as Club Presidents, officially opened the meeting and welcomed the guests. TM Danilo Sanchez who served as the TMOD launched the meeting theme “Make It Happen” and then introduced the role players who explained their corresponding roles. TM Edgar Santos served as Grammarian, TM CJ Rojas as Ah-Counter, and TM Elmar Recablanca as Timer.


Three dauntless speakers stepped up to deliver their respective Pathways projects. TM Lauren Olivos, in his Icebreaker speech “Sheep in a Lion’s Den”, transformed into a “lion” as he roared against his fear of public speaking. TM Afajal, in his speech “Those Unimportant”, introduced an honest and eye-opening perspective on how low-paid office workers such as our teaboys are often undervalued and taken for granted. Meanwhile, TM Diana Tangente, in her speech “Something More”, talked about happiness and living a meaningful life.


The most stimulating segment of the meeting made room for toastmasters to face their fear of impromptu speaking. TM Anahi Brown as the Table Topics Master, dared everyone to answer questions on social causes. DTM Kit Barritt, TM Robert, TM Lyndon Ellevera, TM Leo Ortega and TM Jimmy Bugay, took up the challenge and bravely spoke their perspectives on social issues.


The third part of the meeting was led by DTM Kit Barritt as the General Evaluator. TM Lornalyn Tallod, TM Jimmy Bugay, and TM Leo Ortega acted as the speech evaluators of the prepared speeches, while TM Fouad Al-Faris evaluated the Table Topics. The role players delivered their corresponding reports, and DTM Kit, his general evaluation.

At the end of the meeting, that according to TMOD Danilo Sanchez was, full of fun, learning, and excitement, the audacity of certain toastmasters were recognized: DTM Kit on Table Topics, TM Leo on Evaluation, TM Anahi on Segment Host, and TM Diana on Prepared Speech.

On the other side of fear are the things that we truly want. It is only by believing in ourselves, and doing things we aren’t comfortable doing, can we truly grow and achieve greater things. Whatever it is that you want to do, attain, or reach - MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

336th Meeting: Summertime

With lovely lei ornaments and toastmasters dressed in bright colors and florals, it’s definitely a summer to remember for Filcom! Sgt.-at-arms Ganesh welcomed everyone and gave the floor to President Leo who officially set the meeting in motion. DTM Kit, as Toastmaster of the Day, introduced the meeting theme in an interesting and interactive online platform which intensified everyone’s summer energy. After which, he introduced the role players: Philip as Grammarian, Vidal as Ah-Counter, and Afajal as Timer.


The first segment of the Filcom’s 2-hour summer staycation was the prepared speeches session. The first two speakers, Rashed and Rechelle, delivered their Pathways ice breaker for the Dynamic leadership path. Rashed with a speech entitled Self Portrait – Watercolour on Paper, introduced himself to the audience though his creative self-portraits. Rechelle, on the other hand, shared her stories of struggles to success, in her speech “Rice Cake”. The last two speakers, Viji and Jessie, delivered their 6th and 7th project, respectively, for their Competent Communication Manual. Viji, with her “Speaking From The Heart” speech, entertained everyone with her amusing anecdotes. Meanwhile, Jessie moved the crowd with her research project on depression entitled “Beyond Sadness”.


The second segment, led by CJ, was the Table Topics Session. He brought the vacationists from the comforts of the seashore, to the exciting world of pageantry. The brave contenders, Joseph, Dr. Farooq, Guest Golda, and Philip, had the chance to answer the famous questions from the Q&A segment of Miss Universe. After the nerve-wracking pageant segment, the room transitioned again to the summertime stage for the refreshments and socials.


The third segment was headed by Ganesh, being the General Evaluator. Joseph, Diana, Shyam, and Nadim served as the respective speech evaluators of the prepared speeches. The role players delivered their reports, and Ganesh, his general evaluation.

To complete the summer vibes, the winners for each segment were awarded: Philip on Best Table Topics, Shyam on Best Evaluator, and Rashed on Prepared Speech. CJ also bagged the new award which is the Best Segment Host. Elmar was also inducted as new member, and we bid farewell to Anamika.

The 336th meeting was absolutely a fantastic way to celebrate the hot season in this side of the world! Filcomites sure do know how to create a summer to remember!