Saturday, October 13, 2018

340th Meeting: The Power of Feedback

Filcom's 340th meeting, a speakathon, highlighted the power of feedback - the heart of Toastmasters. Vidal served as Sergeant-At-Arms, followed by President Leo who opened the meeting and welcomed the guests. Joseph then introduced the meeting theme, as the TMOD.

"Feedback is a gift that we can give and receive. When given effectively, it can transform someone's life. When received with an open mind, it can change how the world views us and can help us get to learning faster."


Six valiant Filcomites took up the challenge to deliver their respective Pathways projects and partake of the power of effective feedback. Lotfy with a speech entitled "Meant to Survive" and Tenny with his speech "Life Doesn't Get Better By Chance, It Gets Better By Change" inspired the audience with their ice breaker speeches. Rechelle, for her second project in the Dynamic Leadership Path, delivered a sentimental piece entitled "Dead Air".

Leo, for his second project in the Strategic Relationships path, had a nostalgic rendition of his "When You Say Nothing At All" speech. Meanwhile, Anahi for her Leadership Development 3 project, presented a realistic take on "Marriage In Times Of Social Media". Fulfilling his Innovative Planning 6 project with the speech "And The Sure Winner Is", CJ introduced a new and fascinating idea raising awareness on deaf-mutism.


General Evaluator Jessie led the evaluation session. Dennis, Diana, Obaid, Fouad, Shyam, and Nadim, rendered their evaluation on their corresponding prepared speeches. Arjay as Grammarian, Vidal (on behalf of Sahar) as Ah-Counter, and Elmar as Timer, delivered their role players' report. Jessie then conducted her overall evaluation of the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, recogniton were awarded to the following:

Evaluation 1st place: Shyam
Evaluation 2nd place: Diana
Evaluation 3rd palce: Obaid

Prepared Speech 1st place: Rechell
Prepared Speech 2nd place: Anahi
Prepared Speech 3rd place: Leo

With new knowledge on giving and receiving effective, responsible feedback, and inspired by remarkable speeches, each Filcomite is a winner for every meeting.

Feedback is a GIFT.
Give it.
Receive it.

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