Saturday, July 27, 2019

359th Meeting: Happy Holidays!

Filcom International TMC
359th Meeting Summary
27 July 2019
“Happy Holidays!”

Sergeant-At-Arms Afajal started Filcom's 359th meeting by sharing the club mission and meeting protocol. Right after, President Joseph formally opened the meeting for the first time and warmly greeted all the guests. He then gave the floor to Ayman as the Toastmaster of the Day, who introduced the theme "Happy Holidays!" where he shared his stories and personal take on the theme. Ayman introduced the role players for the night: Michelle as the Timer, Asmaa as the Ah-Counter, and CJ as the Grammarian.


Four charismatic Filcomites took up the challenge to deliver their respective speech projects. Nadim, in his speech entitled "In the Motion", delivered a mind-stimulating speech and encouraged everyone, in conclusion, to be extraordinary. Sahar, on her Research and Presenting Speech "There are 7 Things" rendered a creative delivery that surely captured everyone’s attention. Jessie once again moved and entertained the crowd with her speech "54”, where she talked about her journey towards fitness and how she was able to attain her desired weight. Leo, on the other hand, touched everyone’s hearts as he presented a toast in recognition of the efforts and dedication of all the club members.


Tag, the Table Topics Master gave her own twist for this segment. She asked the audience if who amongst them wants to volunteer to answer her thought-provoking-questions. Dr. Farooq, Sahar, Guest Raffy, Stella, Alaa, and Guest Amit willingly volunteered and gave their meaningful thoughts on their respective questions.


President Joseph delivered a Moments of Truth – The Successful Club Series – 1 where he walked through all the members and guests regarding how to create a positive first impression of the club and recognize and deal with situations critical to club success. Right after, he facilitated live feedback from members and guests where an instant result via online was shown. It gave everyone in the club an idea on which aspect do they need to improve the most.


Diana took charge in the Evaluation Segment. She introduced and called the evaluators, Fouad, Vidal, Gino, and Rechell, who gave their evaluation on their assigned speeches. Shyam also evaluated the Table Topics Segment and Table Topic Speeches. Thereafter, the role players delivered their reports and Diana rendered her GE Report.

🏆Best Speaker – Jessie
🏆Best Table Topics Speaker – Stella
🏆Best Evaluator – Rechell

Saturday, July 13, 2019

358th Meeting: Face The Heat

Filcom International TMC
358th Meeting Summary
13 July 2019
“Face the Heat”

Sergeant-At-Arms Rechell kickstarted Filcom's 358th meeting by sharing the club mission and meeting protocol. For the last time, President Leo formally opened the meeting with warmth and enthusiasm. He then invited Division D, District 116P Division Director-Elect TM Juttas Paul to facilitate the installation of the new Executive Committee of Filcom International Toastmasters Club for 2019 – 2020.
After the installation rights, Leo the immediate past President of the Club gave the floor to Joseph, the newly installed President. Joseph shared his experience from being the club secretary, the VP-PR, the VP-Education, and now becoming the President, and how those roles transformed him to become the leader that he is today.
Subsequently, he then gave the floor to Dennis as Toastmaster of the Day, who introduced the theme "Face the Heat", contemplating the idea that heat is indeed transformational. He also introduced the role players for the night Ganesh as the Timer, Tag as the Ah-Counter, and Joseph as the Grammarian.


Five zealous Filcomites took up the challenge to deliver their respective speech projects. Asmaa, in her Ice-breaker Speech entitled "Never Settle for Less", amazed everyone with her strong vision for herself. Burhan, on his Informational Speech "Anatomy of Habits" re-asserted the idea that habits are nothing but a response to stimuli. Ayman once again enthused the group with his speech "The Godfather”, where he talked about the importance of making connections through networking. Rechell, on the other hand, entertained the crowd with her promising delivery of “Everyone Needs Donna. Lastly, Cj shared his experience and lessons learned in making a social media presence entitled “#DoComeTrue”.


Manij, the Table Topics Master gave his personal touch to the second part of the meeting. He asked the audience if who amongst them wants to be disturbed in a good way and challenged them to answer thought-provoking-questions. Gavalier Jerome, Sahar, Tag, and Guest Raffy willingly volunteered and gave their meaningful thoughts on their respective questions.


Gino took charge in the Evaluation segment. He introduced and called the evaluators, Fouad, Sahar, Shyam, Joseph, and Diana, who gave their evaluation on their assigned speeches. Leo also evaluated the table topics segment and the table topic speeches. Thereafter, the role players delivered their reports and Gino rendered his GE Report.

"Heat is transformational. Be transformed!"
- Dennis Mujana, TMOD | Meeting. No 358

🏆Best Speaker – Asmaa
🏆Best Table Topics Speaker – Guest Raffy
🏆Best Evaluator – Joseph
🏆Best Segment Host – Dennis