The 315th meeting of
Filcom is such where the theme was overshadowed by a mark of a true Filcomite. The
theme, “Unlimited Connections”, seemed to be “Unlimited Dedication.” To the man
behind the theme, Leo, hear me out.
Leo, VP-Education-slash-Toastmaster
of the Evening-slash-Educational Module Presenter, did show an unlimited
dedication. You see what I did there? His
Plan B, presenting educational modules, after 2 speakers cancelled due to an
emergency, proved to be of great help, not only for the newly joined members
Dale, Jan & Sarah, but also for the existing members. Leo presented “Meeting
Roles and Responsibilities”, while Kit, the impromptu educational presenter
& Club President, conducted an interactive session on “Moments of Truth” &
the refresher on Easy Speak.
In the Prepared Speech, I, the
only speaker, came with a TV set (talk about dedication) for my 1st
Speech Project (Straight Talk) for Communicating on Video. I defended why
cancelling Maria Sofia Love’s Passport is a drastic move. Special thanks goes
to Rechelle and TM Marium who couldn’t come to deliver their speeches. I automatically
won the Best Speaker Award. :P
What I liked about the Table
Topics Master, Dennis, was how he introduced this 2nd session, Table
Topics. Dennis gave vivid examples of situations where a great impromptu
speaking skill is truly essential. When you’re in the elevator with your CEO,
on-the-spot giving of message in a party you gate-crashed, among others. Because
of such motivating intro, participants Nadim, Arjay, Noor, Hamad, Philip &
Sarah gave substantial answers. But it was Hamad who was motivated the most and
thus received the Best Table Topics Award.
Philip, the King of Comedy, didn’t
fail to insert humor in his Evaluation Session. Here, Arjay (Ah Counter),
Jessie (Timer), Anil (Grammarian) & Shyam (Table Topics Evaluator) gave
their respective reports. And Noor, although the only speech evaluator,
deservingly clinched the Best Evaluator Award with her analytical view on
Joseph’s presentation.
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is
progress. Working together is success.” That’s how Leo ended the 315th
meeting Unlimited Connections which also reflects “Unlimited Dedication.”