Tuesday, October 31, 2017

317th Meeting: Learning By Doing

Just like every other meeting, Filcom’s 317th was a success! Jan, the stand-in Sergeant at Arms and a first time for the role welcomed the members and guest reminding them of the meeting protocols as he called the meeting to order by 7pm, on the dot!

The indefatigable VP-Education cum Toastmaster of the Day, Leo started the session introducing the theme through a challenging hands-on activity which was learning the art of paper folding (origami). Members learned to make a fox and a puppy out of the square papers. They were able to follow through the idea as he continued to give learning techniques (experiential and kinesthetic) and examples and applications of the theme in Toastmasters.

An educational session about Writing Speeches was delivered by no less than the Club President himself, Kit, which gave pointers on how to effectively write stupendous speeches giving emphasis to the structure and content that proved beneficial to the members especially to the new joiners.

During the prepared speeches session, Dennis delivered a stupendous Project No. 8 introducing his new concept De-Mu theory on wealth which is pending patent registration. After that, Joseph did a press-conference regarding the 2018 District 20 Toastmasters Annual Conference (D20TAC). His fourth project under the Advanced Manual-Communicating on Video.
Table Topics Session was moderated by DTM Luis who effortlessly unraveled “Today in History” with reference to the Spanish and Portuguese colonization. Kit, Jessie and Tag battled it out and gave in their insights about committing mistakes leading to new realizations, challenges leading to either failure or success and making decisions that will immortalize or destroy a leader, respectively. A short break followed suit with a selection of healthy snacks and drinks shared by everyone while catching up.
In the Evaluation Session, Tag and Shyam evaluated Dennis’ and Joseph’s speeches, respectively highlighting the strengths and gave insights on how to better improve in the next speeches. More like using the sandwich technique which was very encouraging and at the same time eye-opening. The role players gave outstanding reports at the end further evaluating all the speakers on how well they did with the usage of English language, timeliness and minimizing if not obliterating crutch and filler words with Viji as the Grammarian, Mazhar/Anil as Timer and Dale as Ah Counter. The word of the day was used by almost everyone. What a stupendous kind of meeting! Kit, who wore another hat as the General Evaluator assessed the performance of all the role players and the overall conduct of the meeting highlighting the best practices and some things to grow on.
Finally, Leo wrapped up the meeting reiterating that in toastmasters, we always learn by doing. It was reinforced with a quotation from Benjamin Franklin that says: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”

Sunday, October 15, 2017

316th Meeting: OktoberFest

Filcom’s 316th Meeting
Filcomites gathered again with the theme Oktoberfest
Because October is the time for celebration and feast
Although there were no beers, pretzels and Bavarian outfit
The night went well with a Toastmaster of the Day to beat
First, Sgt-At-Arms, Viji, laid down the protocol
Followed by Dale who took up the Grammarian’s role
Then President Kit formally opened the meeting
But he forgot to ask his wife for her greeting: P
Jessie, the TMOD, then introduced the theme
Even the 3 segments & the role players’ game
Without further ado, the Prepared Speeches started
And wow, the 4 speakers did great & uninhibited
Rechell spoke about friendship as a Breathtaking Gift
And Tag’s Valuing The Moments gave our spirits a lift
Joseph shared his inspiring Toastmaster’s journey on a talk show
While Kit’s presentation on cyber security was a perfect flow
Noor, the Table Topics Master, taught all to walk
By inviting the confident volunteers to talk
Slowly, with their perfect answers, they ran
Impromptu Speaking turned out to be fun
Break for 10 minutes seemed necessary
After the 2 segments went above ordinary
Mouth-watering sandwiches and drinks on the table
Filled up our stomach and made us all able
After the break, Dr. Farooq took over as the General Evaluator
With speech evaluators who proved one can be a motivator
Timer, Ah Counter and Grammarian followed suit
With Table Topics observations to boot
Lastly, the President conducted the Business Session
Informing speaking contests & paying dues as the mission: P
Luckily  Kit didn’t forget to ask his wife for feedback
And Cathy said she enjoyed and wish to come back
After the group photo was taken
Some went to the bar for Heineken


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Filcom’s First Social Event Breaks Routine

Corniche, Doha Qatar --- Any mention of Toastmasters meetings and it automatically conjures up image of prepared speeches, table topics & evaluations within the 4 corners of a room --- which is precisely the routine Filcom International Toastmasters Club wants to break in their first social event.
Yesterday, October 7, 2017, 15 Filcomites boarded a dhow from 7:00 PM till 9:00 PM for their first social event for this term entitled, “Dhow” shall come, & with theme: Breaking the Routine.
At exactly 7:00 PM, as the engine of the dhow revved up, the emcees, Rechelle & Dennis, stood in front, grabbed the mic & welcomed everyone: “Welcome to the first social event of Filcom! Do you see that amazing Doha skyline? Can you hear the waves lapping against the boat? Can you feel the cool breeze blowing on your face? Ladies and gentlemen, we are just starting & we promise that you will enjoy the night as we bring you exciting games, some mouth-watering finger foods & more!”
“We hold this kind of social event for one simple reason --- to break the routine: different setting, no role players to look for your grammatical errors, crutches & timing; no Table Topics & Evaluation sessions to worry about, no business session & all that jazz! We are here to have fun!”, said Kit Barritt, Club President of Filcom International Toastmasters Club, in his opening remarks.
As an entertainment, Joseph Amande gave an inspirational speech with a topic, The Key to Happiness is…” “Please don’t mention my key to happiness in your writing as I will use this speech in the Elimination Round of the ICC Public Speaking Contest on October 27, 2017.”, Joseph requested.
Dennis conducted the first game wherein the group was divided into two. Each person was given a piece of paper with a question written on it. Then, each person in Group A asked their questions to be answered by Group B & vice-versa. After the first question, the first person in Group A moved to the back so the second person became the first, the third became the second & so on, all the while Group B remained stationery. “It was a smart game. At the end of it, I got to talk to everybody!”, explained Shyam.
Pizza, grilled chicken wings, spring rolls, samosa & brownies were served on the table for everyone to partake after an hour, while Despacito was played on the background. Some people danced, while others took photos and chatted.
After a 30-minute break, Tag Saab, a Life Coach, was interviewed by Joseph. “Life Coaching is helping people to empower them by asking the right questions to find the answers that are already within themselves.”, defined Tag. Then, she shared some success stories and tips to become a Life Coach.
It was followed by 2 games conducted by Leo. The first game involved counting & clapping when numbers 3,6 & 9 are present; whereas the second game involved words or phrases about Toastmasters. A word was placed on the forehead of the person asking questions to figure it out in a limited period of time. In the end, the group of Philip won!
Finally, each person was given the chance to talk and share how they found the event. “This is a wonderful idea! Breaking the routine is what we need sometimes. There is nothing in nature that blooms all year long so we should not expect it from ourselves either. We need to find time to unwind and relax. This way, we’ll become more creative and productive!”, concluded by Dennis and Rechell.