Saturday, June 29, 2019

357th Meeting: The Filcom Annual Awards 2019

Filcom's 357th Meeting and Annual Awards 2019
Meeting Summary
29 June 2019
Celebrating Excellence and Diversity

Indeed a festive night when all of Filcomites, along with guests, gathered in celebrating excellence and diversity in the club. SAA Jessie gathered everyone, followed by President Leo who formally opened the meeting. Abigail, who served as TMOD introduced the theme and led everyone throughout the meeting and awarding ceremony. She was joined by role players; Vidal as Ah-Counter, Dennis as Timer, and Manij as Grammarian.

Bilal, Sahar, and Diana delivered their unique pieces in the Prepared Speeches segment. Ayman spearheaded the second segment and welcomed DTM Dr. Farooq, Guest Stella, Guest Ado, and Khadar, onstage to answer his amusing and entertaining Table Topics. Fouad led the group of evaluators composed of Rechell, Philip, Rashed, and Shyam, and delivered his General Evaluation as well.

The Awards Ceremony followed, in appreciation of the tireless efforts, utmost dedication, and exemplary performance of the club's members. Truly it was a spectacular evening, capping off the Program Year 2018-2019.

Best Speaker - Diana
Best Evaluator - Rashed
Best Table Topics - Guest Stella

Saturday, June 15, 2019

356th Meeting: I Feel You

Filcom International TMC
356th Meeting Summary
15 June 2019
"I Feel You"

Sergeant-At-Arms Tenny jump-started Filcom's 356th meeting by sharing the club mission and meeting protocol. President Leo followed by formally opening the meeting and welcomed guests. He then gave the floor to Vidal as Toastmaster of the Day, who introduced the theme "I Feel You", presenting different emotions that we feel. He also introduced the role players for the night: Jessie as Timer, Burhan Khaliq as Ah-Counter, and Gino as Grammarian.


Six unique Filcomites took up the challenge to deliver their respective speech projects. Abigail in her speech "Never Too Late", persuaded everyone how energy is our most important resource and gave everyone tips on how to wisely spend and replenish our energies.
Nadim, on his inspiring delivery of "The Living Question", left the audience in awe on how this simple question could inject meaning and change the course of life.
Priya graced the club with her presence and speech entitled "Stress Busters", where she spoke about her personal research and experiences on dealing with stress.
Ayman amused and entertained the audience with his piece "My Duty Roster", sharing his experience of leading his work team towards consensus, on their duty rosters.
"Hijack The Jack" was Deepti's entry in her Persuasive Influence path. She spoke about her plan of being a DTM and then, later on, handled questions from the audience on possible disruptions to her plan.
In Diana's "Teaming Up For Kimberly" project, she shared with the group her experience and realizations in leading a team for a bridal shower she organized.


Rechell took charge in the Evaluation segment. She introduced and called the evaluators Fouad, Swetha, Dennis, Afajal, Leo, and Joseph. The evaluators delivered their respective evaluation on their assigned speeches. Thereafter, the role players delivered their reports, and Rechell rendered her General Evaluation.

🏆 Best Speaker - Nadim
🏆Best Evaluator – Leo
🏆Best Segment Host - Rechell