Filcom International TMC
384th Meeting- Good Vibes
Minutes of Meeting - 22.08.2020.
Word of the Day - Affinity
1. Members with meeting roles were introduced: Yes
• Toastmaster of the Day: Toastmaster Michelle Macaraig
• Table Topics-master: Toastmaster Swetha Raghuraman
• General Evaluator: Mohammad Farooq, DTM.
• Evaluators: Hieu Huynh, DTM, Toastmaster Rinku Saha.
• Grammarian: Toastmaster Dennis Mujana
• Ah-Counter: Roberto Fuerte, DTM
• Timer: Toastmaster Philip Cherian.
• Moment of Truth : Kit Barritt, DTM.
2. Prepared speeches session:
• Distinguished Toastmaster Grace Moran – “Teams that play together, stay together ”. Motivational Strategies #4-1- Motivate Others.
• Toastmaster Diana May Tangente “Strong and powerful ”. Visionary Communication #1-2- Evaluation and Feedback-1.
4. Table Topics® questions were presented by Toastmaster Swetha Raghuraman :
• 1st Topic - “What gets you excited about life”. Roberto Fuerte, DTM.
• 2nd Topic - “What makes you smile”. Toastmaster Antonia .
• 3rd Topic - “What are you most grateful for”.Rajesh VC, DTM.
• 4th Topic - “What do love the most about yourself “..Joseph Amande, DTM.
• 5th Topic - “What makes you proud ”,Toastmaster Dave.
5. Evaluation was presented:
• Evaluated the speech from Distinguished Toastmaster Grace Moran and Toastmaster Diana May Tangente by evaluators Distinguished toastmaster Hieu Huynh and Toastmaster Rinku Saha
• Table topic was evaluated by toastmaster Swetha Raghuraman.
6. Reports from members with meeting roles were provided:
• Timer: Meeting started on time and no disqualification in terms of prepared and impromptu speeches.
• Ah-counter: A detailed report received .
• Grammarian: A great usage of Word of the day by members and guests.
• General Evaluator: Educational and entertaining meeting.