Monday, November 30, 2020

390th Meeting: Thank You For the Music!


Filcom International TMC
Meeting Summary
28th November 2020
Thank You For the Music!
Word of the Day: Gusto
Filcom's 390th was held on the 28th of November via Zoom.
The meeting began with the Serg
eant-At-Arms Fouad reading out the club mission and meeting protocol. Right after, President Diana May who also took in as the Toastmaster of the Day, formally opened the meeting, and warmly greeted the guests and opened the musical night with the theme Thank You for the Music.
She introduced the role players for the night: Satish Shah as the Timer, and Khadar Hanan as the Ah-Counter and Swetha Raghuraman as the Grammarian.
3 Filcomites took over the reins of this segment.
1. Grace Moran, DTM delivered an informative speech and urged us to "Change your Brain"
2. Michelle Macaraig narrated us on how she is " Learning the Curveball" as a communicator.
3. Deepti Potnis enlightened us that "The Opposite of Networking is Not Working".
Table Topics are presented by Joseph Amande, DTM, who prepared different set of topics which involved and invoked a lot of creative sense to 5 brave speakers.
Leo Ortega, DTM took over as the General Evaluator and introduced Philip Cherian, Nadim Bitar and Dennis Mujana, respectively , who provided their evaluations on their assigned speeches. Kit Barritt, DTM evaluated all Table topic speeches. Thereafter, the role players rendered their reports.
🏆Best Speaker– Michelle Macaraig
🏆Best Table Topics Speaker– Leo Ortega, DTM
🏆Best Evaluator - Kit Barritt
🏆Best Segment Host – Diana May Tangente

Filcomite of the Month - November - Nadim Bitar


"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back" - Arthur Rubinstein

TM Nadim Bitar is a natural when it comes to soothing our minds and hearts through his speeches which is all about love and life. Today, Nadim is a Certified Life Coach, who continually motivates others to live and love life wholeheartedly!!🥰💫
Presenting you with the Filcomite of the Month of November~ Nadim Bitar!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

389th Meeting: Strategies for Better Living

May be an image of 1 person, jewelry, wrist watch and text that says 'TOASMSTERS FILCOM INTERNATIONAL TOASTMASTERS CLUB presents THEME: STRATEGIES FOR BETTER LIVING MEETING NO. 389 TOASTMASTEROF OAM THE RINKU SAHA TOASTMASTERS PATHWAYS learning experience CLUB 7847 AREA 25 DIVISION G DISTRICT 116 SATURDAY, 14th NOV 2020 7:00 PM- 9:30 (GMT+3) Join our meetings and together let's: Build your Confidence 650 453 4428 FILCOM Grow as Leader Improve your communication & public speaking skills For more details, contactour Membership Committee at +974 3310 5723.'        

Filcom International TMC
Meeting Summary
14th November 2020
Strategies for Better Living
Word of the Day: Exhilarating
Filcom's 389th was held on the 14th of November via Zoom.
The meeting began with the Sergeant-At-Arms Fouad reading out the club mission and meeting protocol. Right after, President Diana May formally opened the meeting, and warmly greeted the guests. Then the virtual floor was handed over to the Toastmaster of the Day, Rinku Saha Mallik who shared some of the key strategies on how to live our lives physically, mentally and wholesomely.
She introduced the role players for the night: Leo D. Ortega, DTM as the Timer, and Khadar Hanan as the Ah-Counter and Stella Rosil Bechayda - Sabangan as the Grammarian.
2 Filcomites took over the reins of this segment.
1. Mohamed Sajath, broke the ice and took us through his journey as a "Believer".
2. Diana May Tangente urged us the importance of volunteering through her speech "Let's Talk about V".
Table Topics are presented by CJ Rojas, who prepared choice-based topics to the following speakers:
1. Joseph Amande - Would you rather lose the ability to ready or the ability to speak?
2. Mohammed Farooq, DTM - Would you rather know all world's languages or speak with animals?
3. Khadar Hanan - Would you rather have more time or more money?
4. Guest Anton - Would you rather have no one show up to your wedding or no one show up to your funeral?
5. Guest Yvonne - Would you rather have world piece or stop world hunger?
6. Stella Sabangan - Would you rather be an adult your whole life or a kid for whole life?
7. Hieu Huynh, DTM - Would you rather have a life rewind button or a life pause button?
Nadim Bitar took over and presented the education session on "The Absolute Winning Speech" where he shared 6 principles of creating and writing an inspiring speech.
Swetha Raghuraman took up the challenge as a General Evaluator for the first time and introduced Dennis Mujana and Mohamed Farooq, DTM, respectively , who provided their evaluations on their assigned speeches. Michelle MomCraig evaluated all Table topic speeches. Thereafter, the role players rendered their reports.
🏆Best Speaker– Mohamed Sajath
🏆Best Table Topics Speaker– Stella Sabangan
🏆Best Evaluator - Michelle Macaraig
🏆Best Segment Host – Rinku Saha

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Filcomite of the Month - October - Raffy Gimeno


“The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.”
– Blake Lively
Raffy has joined Toastmasters to overcome fear and improve his ability to share his message to the audience. Today with his flamboyant and charismatic demeanor, and deep baritone voice - he can capture the audience's attention with ease. That's how Raffy wears his confidence!
Presenting you with the Filcomite of the Month of October ~ Raffy Vital Gimeno