Saturday, December 9, 2017

320 Meeting: Stress Management

As the year 2017 comes to an end, for some of us it means a number of deadlines to meet and some year-end auditing/evaluations at work; whereas, for others, it means hectic preparations for the holiday season or for the upcoming new year. All of these can be very stressful. Luckily, Dr. Farooq aptly chose the theme, Stress Management, for the 320th Meeting of Filcom International Toastmasters Club last Dec. 9, 2017 where he shared physical and mental tips to cope with stress.
The role players for this meeting were Dennis (Sgt. At Arms), Jan (Grammarian), Philip (Timer) & Noor (Ah Counter).

For the 1st part of the meeting, 3 speakers delivered prepared speeches from the Competent Communication Manual. Kit delivered his 2nd Ice Breaker Speech after completing his Advanced Communication Gold last meeting. In his speech, Kit revealed a lot of interesting information about his Toastmasters Journey, something that he had not shared with us before. Anil, on the other hand, gave a light-hearted speech on “Laughter – Importance in Life” & thirdly, Tag persuaded with such power on the subject of “Perspective.” Tag was declared as Best Speaker.

In the Table Topics Session, 2nd part, Rechelle Mejoc served as the Topics Master and she came up with some titillating topics to talk about. 5 volunteers had a battle of wit, but in the end, it was Diana (a guest) who emerged victorious.

After the break, Joseph conducted an engaging educational module on Evaluate to Motivate using only a pen and flipchart & not the usual PowerPoint. He tailored it in such a way that it seemed like an inspirational speech which was commended by the General Evaluator.

And speaking of General Evaluator, DTM Luis perfectly played the role with new and great inputs to improve the quality of meetings. Among his 3 speech evaluators, Nadim, Shyam & Kit, Shyam gave what was called by DTM Luis as a winning evaluation if it were a contest. This was followed by the role players’ reports and DTM Luis’ overall evaluation of the meeting.

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