9th January 2021
What's New?
Word of the Day: Coruscant
Filcom's 393rd meeting took place in a Hybrid Format Zoom.
The meeting began with the Sergeant-At-Arms Fouad reading out the club mission and meeting protocol. Right after, President Diana May formally opened the meeting, and warmly greeted the guests.
Then the floor was handed over to the Toastmaster of the Day, Leo Ortega, DTM introduced us to the theme "What's New?".
He also introduced the role players for the night: Dennis Mujana as the Timer, Manij Lakhey as the Ah-Counter and Yvonne Obaob-Cabang as the Grammarian.

2 Filcomites took over the reins of this segment.
1. Diana May Tangente taught us how to "FLY!".
2. Deepti Potnis gave a eulogy through her speech "Rest In Peace".

Table Topics are presented by the vivacious Table topic Master Michelle Macaraig. It was Dr Violet V Cuffy, Joy, Joseph Amande, DTM, Khadar Hanan, Nadim Bitar, Dennis Mujana and Fouad Al Fares, who took up the challenge as the Table topic speakers.

Joseph Amande, DTM took up the challenge as a General Evaluator and introduced Shyam Sundar and Philip Cherian, respectively , who provided their evaluations on their assigned speeches.
Thereafter, the role players rendered their reports.

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